Southland Jubilee Establishes “2000 Club”

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The 11th Annual Southland Jubilee Celebration steering committee is requesting local area businesses consider donating $100 to join the newly established “2000 Club” as a way to help support this great community event in a challenging time.

Festival Director, Rick Lott, says, “while this economy is challenging us, we are looking forward to this year’s Southland Jubilee being one of the best ever. With just a little extra help on the part of our business community, we can provide everything you’ve enjoyed at Jubilee as well as adding some new surprises.”

If you wish to join the “2000 Club” for 2009, just send your check for $100 to Better Hometown here in Greensboro or for more information, please feel free to e-mail Rick Lott at or call (912) 228-2028. You may also contact Cail Hammons at the Greensboro Better Hometown offices. Twenty, one-hundred dollar gifts will go a long way towards keeping Greensboro’s premier event up and running. Businesses can be glad that they helped!

Since its beginning in 1998, Southland Jubilee has been downtown Greensboro’s top event and has grown to become quality heritage arts and family festival. Last year’s festival attendance was estimated at close to 6,000 locals and visitors.

Southland Jubilee is produced each year by Greensboro Better Hometown and sponsored by the local business community.

For more information about Southland Jubilee go to our Web site: If you have any questions about the “2000 Club” or other sponsorship information, e-mail Rick Lott, Southland Jubilee Festival Director, at or contact him by phone at (912) 228-2028.