What a great day to try church again
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, February 25, 2009
William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State in Woodrow Wilson’s Cabinet, was interviewing a man who was seeking a diplomatic post in China. Bryan warned the applicant that it was necessary to qualify as a linguist.
“Can you speak the Chinese language?” he asked.
The man was equal to the occasion. Looking Bryan squarely in the eye, he replied, “Try me. Ask me something in Chinese.”
What a great comeback? I wish I had that ability when people ask me why they should come to church. I don’t have some bumper sticker reply in mind. I just think it makes living in these days a lot better. Easter is coming up on Sunday, April 12. What a great day to try church again.
Join me for the 8th annual Easter Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. at the Reynolds Plantation Pointe Pavilion. If that is too early, join me at the Reynolds Lake Club at 9 a.m. or at the Spotlight Theatre at 11 a.m. Lots of options. Bring your guests and family. Do it before you go to the Augusta National. Don’t make excuses. It could change your life.
Wishing you much love and much light.