Club 24/7 Fitness opens up on Parkway

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Club 24/7 Fitness of Lake Oconee is preparing to welcome customers to the lake area’s newest fitness center. The 24-hour facility boasts 30 pieces of cardiovascular equipment and circuit training equipment by Life Fitness and Hammerstrength. Owner Allen Childs said that in addition, the club offers world class aerobic program.

“All the aerobic instructors are certified by Body Training Systems,” Childs said.

In addition to the high level of offerings, Childs says the 24-hour aspect offers an advantage to customers who may not be able to currently get to the gym during the typical business hours.

The club will serve the Lake Oconee, Greensboro and Eatonton areas and promotional offerings during the club’s opening weeks will include a seven-day trial membership, free tanning, free childcare, plus current members of other clubs can get a free membership at Club 24/7 Fitness. Childs estimates the cost per month at $24. Personal training services as well as health and nutritional counseling will be available.

The fitness center is brainchild of Childs, who has plans to franchise the club in the future.

The decision to start the club, even in the midst of trying economic times, was an easy one for Childs.

“The health club business has always been a recession-proof business, in my opinion,” Childs said. “Two years ago, club owners were charging $40 to $49 per month for membership. What we did was basically change with the times. Right now a $24 per month membership is affordable. Most clubs charge for child care and we don’t.”

Club 24/7 Fitness is located at 1027 Lake Oconee Parkway, on the lake, directly across from the old Oconee Motorsports and next door to Habitat for Humanity. Coming in from Eatonton, the facility is located half a mile from the Century 21 pyramid.

“I’ve been in the business for a long time and have been looking at Lake Oconee forever,” Childs said. “With the way the area has grown, the area warranted a more modern approach.”