Library visits go up as local unemployment rate climbs
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Why would visits and activity levels increase at the Greensboro Library over the last several months? Why would lines be forming at the front desk? Why are more people than ever using the free computers available at the library?
According to library manager, Jackie Broderick, patrons in the county are: signing up for library cards in greater numbers, checking out books to cut the cost of buying them, using library computers to check on jobs posted on the Internet; apply for jobs; and create and print resumes; take online classes and do general research. They use the Georgia Work Ready key-train software, and are using reference materials to get ideas to further their education or make career changes. They are checking out DVDs and VHS tapes since cable subscriptions have been dropped from their household budget
Always with a smile, Broderick and her staff are working hard to serve all their new and “old” patrons alike. Unfortunately, adding staff in today’s economic times is not reasonable, so lines sometimes form at the desk. Many patrons say the wait is worth it. To help the Green County Library during these interesting times, volunteer to help youngsters read; donate newer, used books which are in good condition; donate money to help buy books for the library through our program, “Pages for All Ages” — all donations are tax deductible; and join “Friends of the Library,” an organization providing valuable help to the library.
For more information or to make a donation, come to the Greene County Library at 610 S. Main St. in Greensboro or call (706) 453 7276 — good people, lots of fun.