With summer here, sunscreen more important than ever

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nobody likes sunscreen. With summer now upon us, I thought it would be a good opportunity to review facts about sunscreen. The first thing to remember will not surprise you…nobody likes to wear sunscreen (even dermatologists). But the truth remains that the number of people affected by skin cancer is growing every year, and melanoma is occurring in younger individuals. It is not uncommon in my practice to find skin cancers on 20 year-olds. A scary fact that makes us all remember days of baby oil and sunshine with a certain apprehension. So with that being said, I will use my next few columns to review a few facts on sunscreen. Remember, I am a dermatologist who loves to water ski, fish, and golf…I am a fan of just about anything outdoors, but I do protect myself as best I can.

When should sunscreen be used?

Sunscreens should be used every day if you are going to be in the sun for more than 20 minutes.  They can be applied under makeup.  There are many cosmetic products available today that contain sunscreens for daily use because sun protection is the principal means of preventing premature aging and skin cancer.  Sunscreens used on a regular basis actually allow some repair of damaged skin. The Academy of Dermatology recommends using an SPF of at least 30.    

Since sun exposure is responsible for vitamin D production in the skin, individuals who wear sunscreen and are concerned that they are not getting enough vitamin D should take a multivitamin or drink vitamin D fortified milk.   

The sun’s reflective powers are great – 17 percent on sand and 80 percent on snow.  Don’t reserve the use of these products only for sunny summer days.  Even on a cloudy day, 80 percent of the sun’s ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds.

How much sunscreen should be used, and how often should it be applied?

Sunscreens should be applied to dry skin 15-30 minutes BEFORE going outdoors.  When applying sunscreen, pay particular attention to the face, ears, hands and arms, and coat the skin liberally.  One ounce, enough to fill a shot glass, is considered the amount needed to cover the exposed areas of the body properly. Be careful to cover exposed areas completely – a missed spot could mean a patchy, painful sunburn.  Don’t forget that lips get sunburned too, so apply a lip balm that contains sunscreen, preferably with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Sunscreens should be re-applied every two hours or after swimming or perspiring heavily.  Even so-called water resistant sunscreens may lose their effectiveness after 80 minutes in the water.  Sunscreens rub off as well as wash off, so if you’ve towel-dried, reapply waterproof sunscreen for continued protection.  Don’t forget that sun exposure occurs all the time, even while you’re taking a short walk on a cloudy day.

What type of sunscreen should I use, and what ingredients should I look for? There are so many types of sunscreen that selecting the right one can be quite confusing.   

Sunscreens are available in many forms including ointments, creams, gels, lotions, sprays, and wax sticks.  The type of sunscreen you choose is a matter of personal choice.   

Ideally, sunscreens should be water resistant, so they cannot be easily removed by sweating or swimming, and should have an SPF of 30 or higher that provides broad-spectrum coverage against all ultraviolet light wavelengths.   

Ingredients which provide broad-spectrum protection include benzophenones (oxybenzone), cinnamates (octylmethyl cinnamate and cinoxate), sulisobenzone, salicylates, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone (Parsol 1789) and ecamsule (Mexoryl SX).  Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide provide the best protection against UVA (causes wrinkles and brown spots) and UVB (more linked to skin cancers). There are newer, elegant formulations that contain zinc and titanium that won’t make you look like the lifeguard with a white nose.

— Dr. Ross Campbell at Campbell Dermatology at Cowles Clinic specializes in skin cancer treatment and cosmetic treatments to help you look your very best.