Ladies celebrate Derby tradition
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Red Roses, Mint Juleps, Horse Races and Elaborately Embellished Hats were the order of the day as the Harbor Club Ladies League celebrated 136 years of Kentucky Derby tradition at their May meeting. The ladies arrived at the home of Lois Miller dressed in their prettiest spring frocks and spectacular Derby Day hats.
Luncheon committee members, Marianne Botdorf, Brenda Hill, Suzie Hudson, Rita Jones, Diane Mahan, Bea McCormick, Judy Miles and Patty Monteleone did a fabulous job by planning a special hat contest, horse races and a lunch catered by Hallie Jane’s of Madison.
Winners of the hat contest were, Carol Gordon and Betty Harbinson ~ most original, Donna Jean Kendall ~ prettiest and Kathy Kurelic and Louise Hull ~ funniest. Eighteen ladies took home silver cups containing red roses when their horses finished first in the races.
Terri Ligon announced final plans for the visit to Olive Forge Herb Garden in Haddock, GA on June 2nd. Following the tour, the group will lunch at Trish Ann’s Tea Room in Milledgeville.
Next season’s officers were installed before the meeting adjoined ~ Joyce Johnson and Patty Monteleone as Co-Presidents, Diane Gberuk and Terri Ligon as Co-Vice Presidents, Bea McCormick, Treasurer and Dottie Suggs, Secretary.