Redeemer revises test policies

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, June 23, 2010

At its May meeting, Dr. Trish Klein, Headmaster of Redeemer Episcopal Academy, shared with the Board of Trustees an exciting change in standardized testing that will more accurately reflect the educational philosophy of the school and the type of teaching that occurs at Redeemer.

In mid-April students in selected grades participated in the first administration of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), a test that measures problem-solving and reasoning abilities. The decision came after Headmaster Trish Klein approached the chair of the Academic Excellence committee in February to discuss adding a different testing instrument designed to further improve REA academics. In the prior two years of the schools existence, the school has used the ITBS, a measure of basic skills. The school had consistently scored in the 99th percentile at all grades and in all subject areas.

“We were confident that students were achieving academic excellence in basic content skills,” said Klein, “and now the faculty wanted an instrument that would help teachers expand instructional opportunities specifically in the areas of problem-solving and reasoning.”

After research that included REA representatives visiting some of the leading private schools in Atlanta including Westminster, Lovett, and Holy Innocents the Academic Excellence Committee voted to use the CogAT beginning with second grade. Basic skills tests (ITBS) will be administered in alternate grades to ensure that content standards continue to be met.

The CogAT scores yield a number/letter profile for each student tested which allows teachers to adapt instruction to the specific needs and abilities of each student. Student profiles will be back by the end of the year in time for teachers to analyze results and use them in decision-making about curricular revisions.

During after school planning days, teachers will revise the curriculum based on their studies, as well as the needs of the students as reflected by the results of the CogAT. They will also consider enriching their preschool math program based on recent brain-based studies on the capabilities of preschoolers for acquiring math concepts at earlier ages than previously thought possible.

Redeemer Episcopal Academy, an independent, faith-based college preparatory school, offers a world-class education in an enriching and nurturing environment that embraces diversity and promotes respect, integrity, values and responsibility. Redeemer is currently accepting applications for the 2010-11 academic year. Some classes are approaching capacity enrollment, and parents are encouraged to apply immediately if they want their child considered for the coming year. For more information, visit