Trick-or-Treaters invade downtown Greensboro

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Historic downtown Greensboro was overrun with pirates, princesses, and pumpkins on Saturday, Oct. 30 as hundreds of children took to the streets in search of a “trick or treat.”  More than 800 children and parents took part in this popular event!

Downtown Trick-or-Treat was hosted by Greensboro Better Hometown Program in partnership with the downtown Greensboro merchants.  Participating merchants eagerly greeted and provided candy to trick-or-treaters.

The costumes of choice included witches and werewolves, ghosts and goblins, princesses and pumpkins, ironman and many more as children and parents flooded the downtown streets.  The children were not the only ones in costume, often times mom and dad got into the act as many were dressed in costume as well!  

Treaters began their trip to downtown with a stop by the check-in tent on the Court House lawn.  Children were given a free trick-or-treat bag, candy, juice, popcorn and a list of participating merchants.  Saint Joseph’s East Georgia and Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy joined in the fun and provided treats to the children as well.

A fun time was had by all as downtown Greensboro was happy to offer children and their families with a safe environment to take part in the tradition of Trick or Treat.

For more information about historic downtown Greensboro or the Better Hometown Program contact (706) 453-7592 or