Greene Co. Christmas Stocking fund collecting
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Toy collection boxes have been placed in locations throughout the County and at events noted below. The Greene County Christmas Stocking Fund (GCCSF) Board members and volunteers would like to thank these businesses and organizations for their support this year. All donations (toys and cash collections) will stay in our community and will be used to support families and seniors in Greene County.
Help support a child this year by taking a new, unwrapped toy to one of the locations or events below. Every toy donated saves dollars that will be allocated for food vouchers for each family (525) and clothes for 400 children and 225 seniors.
Locations North of I-20
Bank South
The Farmer’s Bank, Greensboro
The Farmer’s Bank, Union Point
Union Point Auction
United Methodist Church
Locations South of I-20
Bank South
United Methodist Church
Del Web Club House
Ritz Carlton
Lake Oconee Community Bank
Lake Oconee Center for Dental Health
Franks Chiropractic Life Center
Lifes Simple Pleasures
Reynolds Men’s Golf Tournament
Reynolds Womens’ Golf Tournament
Harbor Club Golf Tournament
Reynolds Plantation General Managers’ Party
LOTA Christmas Party
GCCSF is an all volunteer organization wholly funded through your donations, and all monies collected go to the families and seniors. We need your help in making Christmas a little brighter for those in our community that are less fortunate. Please support the GCCSF by making a tax-deductible donation to the Greene County Christmas Stocking Fund and mail to: GCCSF, P. O. Box 741, Greensboro, Georgia 30642