Take care to heed the warnings in your life
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Glenn Cunningham writes that Africa’s Victoria Falls produces a cloud of mist that is often heavy enough to impair visibility. While he was walking the path that skirts the gorge into which the Zambezi River tumbles, he noticed a sign on the rim but could not make it out.
Not wanting to miss whatever it might be noting, he slithered and slid through the mud out to the very brink only to read the message: “Danger! Crumbling Edge.”
What are you reading these days? Are you being given a warning? If you read the Bible, it will tell you all kinds of stories about how God works in this world. It will keep you out of danger.
Wishing you much love and much light.
The Rev. David W. Key, director of the Baptist Studies Program, is involved in recruitment, admissions, student life, counseling, placement, and development functions for Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. He teaches in the Contextual Education program. He is the founding pastor of the Lake Oconee Community Church at Reynolds Plantation. Contact him at (404) 727-6350 or dkey@emory.edu. His column appears weekly in this space.