Men’s LOTA season ends with pizza party
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Despite threatening clouds, the Saturday Men’s LOTA League played their last match on Saturday, May 14 at the Lake Club Tennis Center at Reynolds Plantation. After the matches, League coordinator Marty Colton was on hand with pizza and cold beverages for all the participants.
The league, which started on March 12 and ran for eight weeks, used a new, fun format.
The participants were divided into three levels, and played each week for points which they accumulated over the season. At the end of season pizza party, the winners for the season were announced.
At the A level, the winner was Lin Logan with Doug Echols as runner up.
The B level winners were Roger Fields and Bruce Dructor. The C level trophies went to Kevin O’Malley and Chris Villa. Each winner received a gift certificate provided by Filet’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant, a sponsor to the Lake Oconee Tennis Association (LOTA). Other participants included Mike Sullivan, Mark Hall, David Adamo, Carl Maak, Ray Caroland, Rick Cook, Clarence Hunt, Omar Akras, Mike Riesemeyer, Jack Minchey and Terry Mullervy.