PLC members learn about more uses for the pantry

Published 12:39 pm Friday, April 5, 2013

Honey, oats, milk powder, cocoa, baking soda, green tea…no this isn’t a grocery list for the kitchen, but could be a grocery list for the bathroom. Plantation Ladies Club members were treated to a program by the Ritz Carlton Spa staff at their Feb. 20 meeting and these are just a few of the unexpected ingredients which can be used to enhance your bath experience. Perhaps the biggest surprise element was cocoa powder, which as a caffeine-rich additive, acts as a diuretic releasing toxins from the skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Each attendee left with a sample bag of bath salts and information on various herbals, additives and oils and how to use them. Several new members were welcomed and five ladies won beautiful daisy plants as door prizes. The 50/50 raffle benefitted the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Greene County and PLC winner was Micki Tanner-Baird. For information on joining Plantation Ladies Club contact Donna Weglewski at (706) 467-3293 or