Queen of All Storytime recognized for dedication

Published 4:19 pm Wednesday, October 23, 2013

No one could have been more surprised than Maggie Dunn (Queen of All Storytime) as she entered Greene County Library one recent Saturday afternoon. Instead of meeting with the staff as she expected she was greeted by cheers from a room full of people who had come to thank and honor her for her undying devotion to the library and her Storytime kids. Her husband Roy secretly had her sister Mary and nieces Becky and Megan come in from Florida for the occasion.

Storytime started out as a one-year project by the Friends of the Library twelve years ago for children ages four and under. It soon became a labor of love for its creator, Maggie (Miss Mag, Queen of all Storytime), and her loyal helpers who hold court each Thursday morning.

Be there one child or fifty, Maggie is there to enchant them with stories read aloud, told on a flannel board or even acted out. Songs are sung, dances are danced and hugs are given as the children enter the magic world of Miss Mag and her tales and find the library a wonderful place to be.

Storytime storytellers are usually paid a pretty hefty fee, but Maggie generously volunteers her services to the Greene County Library’s children and they, in turn, adore her.

In recognition and appreciation of Maggie’s dedication the Greene County Library board of trustees and the Uncle Remus Regional Library System honored her with a magnificent mural painted in her honor in the children’s section of the library. The three-part mural shows Alice (in Wonderland) at the tea party, Jack’s Beanstalk and Br’er Rabbit and friends with the inscription, “To honor Maggie Dunn, Queen of All Storytime.” A fitting tribute to the Storytime Queen.

A reception followed the presentation and featured an open book cake with Miss Mag’s “Skinnamarinky” children’s poem written on its pages.

When you stop by the library don’t forget to take a look into the children’s section and enjoy the wonderful murals and tribute to Maggie Dunn.

To see more photos please visit www.lakeoconeebreeze.net.