Nelson Circle celebrates Communion
Published 11:10 am Friday, November 1, 2013
- Shown are Kay Hinds and Peggy Borchelt.
On Oct. 21, the First United Methodist Church (FUMC) Nelson Circle ladies (40 members and five visitors) met at the Carey Station Road campus to learn about the history of the communion service, both in the United Methodist Church and at FUMC in Greensboro. Pastors Mike Morgan and Merry Grayson served communion to the ladies using a communion service consisting of a flagon, two chalices and two patens, all of which were given to the church in 1859 by Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wingfield.
The Nelson Circle meets the third Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for breakfast, followed by a program. The next meeting is Nov. 18 with Diane O’Keefe from Ferst Book Program for Greene County presenting the program.