Nelson Circle members of FUMC hold luncheon
Published 10:26 am Friday, January 10, 2014
- Nelson Circle members at the recent luncheon.
Nelson Circle of First United Methodist Church had 50 members enjoy a luncheon Monday, Dec. 16 at South Campus. The Delmen singing group, who live in Del Webb, helped us celebrate with a music program. Gary Walker told the history of some songs and led in music, which told of the birth of Christ. Members brought two gifts each for Circle of Love. Hostesses Joan Swonger and Marilyn Flock coordinated all the arrangements for a wonderful meal. The group’s next meeting will be at North Campus Jan. 20 at 9:30 a.m. with breakfast and fellowship. The program will be Dr. Lawrence, a new surgeon coming to our area. Pictured from left to right: Bill Bingham, Gary Walker, Karl Pepper, Jack Elder, Duane Blough, Kermit Combs, Harvey Kart and Gene Anderson on keyboard.