Calendar of Events
Published 4:13 pm Thursday, January 16, 2014
The creation of a Putnam County Veterans Wall of Honor, recognizing all armed services veterans whenever and wherever they have served, who reside or have resided in Putnam has been undertaken by The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. There is no site recognizing, by name, veterans who are serving, or who have served in the Armed Forces.
The Wall of Honor will include several walls displaying brick tiles indicating the name, service, war and/or dates of service of those who wish to be recognized, the crests of the five armed services, flag poles and appropriate landscaping. A joint project team has begun implementation of this initiative with plans to complete it with a dedication at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11.
To purchase a brick tile in honor of a Putnam County veteran or to make a charitable donation to this effort to honor local veterans, visit for more information.
Jan. 16
ViziTech USA’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is held at ViziTech USA, 103 E. Sumter Rd., Eatonton at 5 p.m. Please come join us in celebrating the new sales, service and demo facility located in downtown Eatonton. Open House with light refreshments following ceremony.
Jan. 17
FREE Opening Reception “Georgia and Beyond” 6-8 p.m. The Madison-Morgan Cultural Center will host an opening reception for the Visual Arts exhibit: Georgia and Beyond: Southern, Self-taught Art, Past and Present. This Folk art exhibition curated by Susan Crawley, highlights the accomplishments of vernacular artists from Georgia and across the South, past and present. The FREE Opening Reception is from 6 – 8 PM, with a gallery talk at 7 PM and is open to the public. The exhibit is scheduled to be on display through April 13, 2014 and the Benefactor Sponsor is the Cox Family Fund. Visit the Cultural Center’s website for more information, or call 706-342-4743.
Jan. 21
The Greene County Extension Volunteer Master Gardeners are proud to present Jesse Wright of Agee’s Lawn & Garden. Jesse will be demonstrating the care and maintenance of hand tools and power tools. He will show us how to revive that old hand saw, pruners, loppers and hedge trimmers that still have a lot of use left in them. Jesse will also bring the newest innovations in ergonomically correct hand tools for our inspection. One area Jesse is very excited about is the advent of Lithium battery powered tools. He will bring an array of these tools for us to check out.
The seminar will be held at 11:30 a.m. at the Greene County Extension Office located at 1180 C. Weldon Smith Dr. (Next to the Drivers Services Office). Lunch will be provided at a cost of $6. A sub sandwich, chips, dessert and a drink are included in the price.
This is the first of several free seminars that will be held throughout the year by the Master Gardeners. In February Dr. George Boyhan (UGA Horticulture Professor) returns with his home vegetable garden program.
Jan. 22
DIY Website Workshop by Eatonton Putnam Chamber of Commerce Arts Plaza Center, 305 N. Madison Ave., Eatonton from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. If building a non-techie website is on your new year’s to-do list, this is the workshop for you! Chamber Members: Free; Non-Members:$25. Laptop required for workshop
Jan. 24
Friends of the Greene County Library will hold its annual Dinner Gathering. Access to the event is $20 and will feature food from Gloria Slaughter of Washington Grass Inn and entertainment by Steve Schaefer. The event will be held at the First United Methodist Church Life Center in Greensboro at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the Greene County Library or by mailing payment to Anita McCoy at 3364 Linger Longer Road, Greensboro, Ga. 30642.
The Capitol Steps, 7:30 p.m. The Madison-Morgan Cultural Center is excited to bring back the ever so hilarious Capitol Steps to their stage! Join us for an evening of laughter on Friday, January 24, 2014 at 7:30 PM. The Capitol Steps is a troupe of congressional staffers-turned-comedians who travel the country satirizing the very people and places that once employed them. They are the only group in American that attempts to be funnier than Congress! This Main Stage performance is sponsored by Alla & Charles Campbell and the Rather Family. Tickets: $45 Member, $55 Non-Member and $25 student. Visit the Center’s website for more information and to purchase tickets, or call 706-342-4743.
Jan. 25
Lake Oconee Presbyterian Church, “The Church on Scott Road” will present a “Celebration on the Lake” choral concert Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014 at 6 p.m. The concert will feature classical, contemporary and gospel music, and will be directed by Dr. Noël Tredinnick, director of Music at All Souls Church in London, England. Also featured will be a combined community chorus with special guest artist Jeffery Wells, Metropolitan Opera Bass/Baritone.
There is no charge for the concert and no tickets are required. Seating is on a “first come, first serve” basis. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., and childcare will be provided.
Lake Oconee Presbyterian Church is located at 113 Scott Road, Eatonton (behind SunTrust Bank on Hwy. 44). For more information please call 706-484-0600 or go to the church web site at
Jan. 30
Charlotte’s Web 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. The Theatreworks production of Charlotte’s Web will be performed at the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center on Thursday, January 30, 2o14 at 9:30 AM and 1:00 PM. The production of Charlotte’s Web is based on E.B. White’s loving story of the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a little gray spider named Charlotte. This Student Series performance, sponsored by Georgia Power and Morgan Stanley, takes place in the Center’s original 1895 school auditorium and last approximately one hour. Individual general admission tickets may be purchased. Tickets are $5 for students and teachers are FREE. Please contact Rebecca Bonas to make reservations, 706-342-4743 ext. 23 or
Feb. 14-15
Love travels to Lake Oconee as the Reynolds Chorus presents a fabulous and unique evening of music. In four-part harmony the ladies and gentlemen will sing love songs celebrating the American holiday of love — Valentine’s Day. From “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” “I Will Always Love You,” “You Made Me Love You,” “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and more, they will pierce your heart with love like Cupid’s arrow.
Be sure to come to The Plaza Arts Center in Eatonton Feb. 14-15 at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at the Plaza Arts Center, 706-923-1655, Bank South/Lake Oconee, 706-453-2943, Peoples Bank or from any Reynolds Chorus member.
Through Feb. 14
The Steffen Thomas Museum of Art presents a temporary exhibit for the 2013 holiday season entitled “Steffen Thomas in the Extreme: Works Large and Small”. The Steffen Thomas Museum of Art is located at 4200 Bethany Road, Buckhead, and is open Tuesday – Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call 706-342-7557 or visit
Through Feb. 16
The ice skating rink will be open at Reynolds Plantation. The rink is open to the general public: $30 for adults; $20 for ages 12 and under.
February – March
Oconee Performing Arts Society will present Education and Outreach Programs. In February the Atlanta Opera will present “En Miss Palabras” for two performances. Let’s Go Science with Professor Smart will hold two performances in March. For more information visit
Freedom in Motion – Rhythmic Dance: An innovative style of dance that allows the body to move freely, rather than being confined by specific dance steps. More than just dance, moving freely to music opens a channel for self-expression in a way few other things do. It moves blocked energy, increases flexibility and mobility, improves circulation, and quiets the mind allowing the heart to freely express in a joyful manner. Some call it “meditation in motion.” Although very therapeutic, rhythmic dance is also abundantly fun and exhilarating! Join us for one of the most extraordinary experiences you may ever have on a dance floor. Everyone of any age or gender is welcome. Yes, that means you guys too!
Freedom in Motion is one component of an innovative new wellness program called Free to Be Me, Creative Wellness Experience, now being offered in the Lake Area.
Dance sessions will be held every Thursday evening from 6:30pm-8:30pm, beginning January 16
Cost: $15.00/wk or $45.00/month. Pre-registration is required. Call The Plaza at 706-923-1655, or go online to to register. For more information on the class contact Andrea Lyle at 706-991-5030.