Calendar of Events, Aug. 14, 2014
Published 8:00 am Thursday, August 14, 2014
Tasties, Toddies and Theatrics, a Broadway cabaret plus a one-act play, produced by The Greene County Players will run at Festival Hall in downtown Greensboro on August 14,15 and 16 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $40 — reserve a table for 6 or individual seating. Call 762-243-8022 to reserve your tickets.
The Georgia Writers Museum is sponsoring its second annual Amateur Creative Writing Contest. Entries will be accepted June 15 through Aug. 15.
Some general guidelines for the contest are that entries must be original, unpublished literary works in the genre of a short story, flash prose, essay, biography or memoir. No poetry will be accepted. Entries are limited to 750 words and must be in the form of an email document, not a pdf. The entry fee is $20 per entry, with a limit of three entries per author. Typed copies of submissions and payment must be mailed to: Amateur Creative Writing Contest; P.O. Box 2934; Eatonton, GA 31024 by the Aug. 15 deadline. Authors will then receive information on where to forward an electronic copy of their work(s) as an attachment to email.
A panel of three sub-judges will read each entry with no identifying information contained. The top three and honorable mention choices from each judge will be sent to the head judge for a final decision of the winners. The first prize winner receives a cash prize o $125 and will have his/her work published in Lakelife Magazine and The Eatonton Messenger Newspaper. The second prize winner will receive a cash prize of $75, the Third Prize winner gets a $25 cash prize and an Honorable Mention Ribbon will be awarded. All winning entries will be published in a contest brochure, along with brief bios of all contributors. An awards reception will be held Oct. 10 at 6 p.m. at the temporary home of the Georgia Writers Museum, 109 S. Jefferson Ave., Eatonton, Georgia 31024.
The creation of a Putnam County Veterans Wall of Honor, recognizing all armed services veterans whenever and wherever they have served, who reside or have resided in Putnam has been undertaken by The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. There is no site recognizing, by name, veterans who are serving, or who have served in the Armed Forces.
The Wall of Honor will include several walls displaying brick tiles indicating the name, service, war and/or dates of service of those who wish to be recognized, the crests of the five armed services, flag poles and appropriate landscaping. A joint project team has begun implementation of this initiative with plans to complete it with a dedication at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11.
To purchase a brick tile in honor of a Putnam County veteran or to make a charitable donation to this effort to honor local veterans, visit for more information.
Harmony Hospice is seeking volunteers from ages 14 to 114 to assist patients and families with companionship, errands, art projects, journaling, meal preparation, baking, supply delivery and even dog walking, yard services or wheel chair ramp construction. We are actively seeking a local stylist to assist patients in their homes with haircuts. Opportunities are endless and a true gift. We are happy to have volunteers in the office as well or volunteers to assist with special events. Ongoing volunteer training sessions will run throughout the spring and summer. Please call the office at 706-923-4677 or visit our website at
The Plaza Arts Center will have four classes on Tuesdays, beginning August 5. Creative Movement for 3-4 year olds, meets at 4:15 – 5:00. Ballet I for 5-6 years meets at 5-5:45. Ballet II for 7-8 year olds meets from 5:45-6:45. All community dance students will perform in Georgia College’s annual production of “The Nutcracker” on December 12, 13 and 14, which was voted Milledgeville’s best community event.
The Georgia College Community Dance Program has highly qualified instructors who are faculty members. Director Amelia Pelton and Instructor Natalie King hold M.F.A. degrees in dance. The studies emphasize proper teaching techniques. The lead dancer in the 2013 “Nutcracker” production lives in Eatonton. Parents no longer have to travel to Milledgeville to receive the same quality of dance teaching. Come to the convenient location of the Plaza Arts Center to develop your child’s dance skills and confidence.
For more information, please contact Georgia College Continuing Education at 478-445-5277.
Thursday, August 14
5 to 7 p.m.
Pickett’s Charge” is a highly acclaimed novel by Charles McNair that re-examines notions of valor and vengeance within the context of the Civil War. McNair has blended the historical fiction of his protagonist, Threadgill Pickett, with the tall tale-telling of an epic journey north to meet who he believes to be the one Union Soldier remaining alive.
”I heard Pickett’s Charge being reviewed on NPR, and was happy to meet Charles McNair at a literary event in Atlanta’” said Janet Kelhoffer of the Georgia Writers Museum. “He brings warmth and an understanding both of the Civil War and what it means to be a Southerner.”
McNair is a native of Alabama and teacher at The University of West Alabama. His first novel, “Land O’ Goshen” was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1994.
Join us on Thursday, August 14th, 5:30-7:30 PM to meet Charles McNair and be part of this year’s observance of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War. The author will read selections from “Pickett’s Charge” and sign copies. Light refreshments will be served. The Georgia Writers Museum is located at 209 S. Jefferson Ave., Eatonton, GA 31024.
Pure Chiropractic presents: “How to Read Food Labels & Shop for Your Health”. Two nights: Wednesday, August 13 at 5:40 p.m. at Lake Oconee (706.485.1010), or Thursday, August 14 at 5:40 p.m. at Milledgeville (478-457-0003). Admission is free; please call to reserve your seat. Do you know what is in your food? Many major companies use GMO’s (genetically modified organisms). Make sure to check your labels…what you might think is ok, really might not be!
Tuesday, August 19
Girls Night Out – Soul Time and Good Wine
7 – 9 pm
You deserve a night out and what better way to spend it than letting your imagination taste a little liberation with other fun loving women. A lively, entertaining, magical experience of uninhibited, creative fun you won’t forget. No art experience necessary. Although our resident artist will guide you through your creation we encourage originality and authenticity so no two paintings are ever alike. Cost is $38 per person includes all supplies and a delectable delight to tantalize your palate while you paint. This is a BYOB event (bring your own beverage). Frig is available for beverages. A minimum of three required to throw this party! Space is limited so register early. Feel free to bring some of your favorite music to share too. SoulShine Interactive Arts Studio
151 Sebastian Drive, Eatonton, GA 31024. To Register or Book an Event Call: 706-991-5030 or 970-903-6047.
Wednesday, August 20
Date Night Paint Party
7 – 9 pm
Bring your significant other out for a fun, unique and memorable date night. Enjoy a light hearted evening of creative play as you join forces to paint your own original masterpiece, guided by our resident artist of course. No previous art experience is necessary
$30.00 per person includes all supplies. This is a BYOB event (bring your own beverage). Frig is available for beverages. A minimum of 4 required to throw this party! Space is limited so register early.
Coffee and Creations:
Thursday mornings 9-10:30 am
Open studio time to gather with creative friends over coffee. $5.00 per person. Bring your own creative projects and just have fun together. If you need a project we can supply one at an additional charge. SoulShine Interactive Arts Studio
151 Sebastian Drive, Eatonton, GA 31024. To Register or Book an Event Call: 706-991-5030 or 970-903-6047.
August 15 – September 30
The Plaza Arts Center and the Madison Artists’ Guild team up to bring a fabulous juried art show to the Lake Country! They’ll present ‘Critters and Creatures’ as the show’s theme. Admission is free to the public and will be open Monday through Saturday. M-F is open 9 AM to 4 PM and Saturday is open 10 AM to 3 PM. For more information on how to enter the show, please contact Elizabeth Collins at
AARP meets at 2 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month at the Senior Citizens Center in Greensboro.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets in Greensboro at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Christ Our King and Savior Catholic Church.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Eatonton group, meets at 7 p.m. each Sunday, Monday and Wednesday at 105 W. Sumpter St. across from the courthouse.
Bootcamp exercise classes designed to blast fat fast are every weekday at 6:15 a.m. at Bodyplex Gym, 106 Village Lane off of Harmony. All fitness levels welcome. $5 per class. Contact Jennette Snider CPT 706-986-9376.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Grace Fellowship, 1971 S. Main St., in Greensboro. Doors open at 6 p.m. They welcome those of all faiths as well as no faith at all. For more information visit their website at or call Grace Fellowship at 706-453-0020.
Diabetes School given by the Medical College of Georgia is held on the third Friday of each month at the TenderCare building in Greensboro. 706-453-1201.
Diabetes Support Group meets from 4:30-6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month at the TenderCare Clinic in Greensboro. 706-453-1201.
Diabetics Support Group of Putnam County meets at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month except June, July and August at the Senior Citizens Center. 706-485-8591.
Eatonton Duplicate Bridge Club, an official member of the American Contract Bridge League, meets at the Plaza Arts Center, 305 N. Madison Ave., Eatonton, at 12:30 p.m on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information contact Betty Roper at 706-467-3079.
Eatonton Elks Lodge No. 2549 of Putnam County meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Monday of each month at 135 Industrial Boulevard. The Elkettes meet at 7 p.m. the third Monday of each month.
Eatonton Harmonettes meet Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. at two locations. First, third and fifth Thursdays the group meets at Liberty Chapel in Eatonton. On second and fourth Thursdays the group meets at Lakeside Church in Greensboro. All ladies are welcome to visit any rehearsal night to listen or sing. The group is an a capella barbershop chorus. Call 706-485-6804 or e-mail
Eatonton Jaycees meet at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month at the Elks Lodge, 135 Industrial Blvd.
Eatonton Kiwanis Club meets at noon Thursdays at Putnam County High School.
Eatonton Service League meets at 7 p.m. the first Monday of every month. Hollie Haley, 706-484-0127.
Eatonton Town and Country Garden Club meets at 10 a.m. the second Tuesday of the month, September through May. Contact Carillon Orban for more details, 706-473-4559.
Georgia Classic Cruisers meets at 7 p.m. every third Wednesday at Yesterday’s Cafe in Greensboro. For more information contact Ron Hazard, 706-347-0393.
The Greene County Toastmasters Club invites everyone who wishes to improve their public speaking ability and increase their confidence to join them. Greene County Toastmasters is a chartered member club of Toastmasters International. The mission of the club is to assist members in learning and developing their communication skills. For information call 706-453-0799.
Greensboro Garden Club meets at 9:30 a.m. the fourth Monday of each month. Lynn Gerber, 706-467-1337.
Greensboro Writers’ Guild meets at 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Episcopal Church Activity Center in Greensboro. Contacts: Barb Griffiths, 706-485-2622; Bill Boughner, 706-467-3423; Kathy Wright, 706-485-2987.
Halcyon Hospice is looking for volunteers to provide companionship and socialization to terminally ill patients and their caregivers. There is something for everyone’s talents, time and abilities. Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to: playing music, reading, crafts and clerical support. Contact Tami Dedels at 678-943-3585.
The Lake Oconee Bariatric Surgery Support Group meets 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the office of Oconee Nutrition Consultants located at 1093 Lake Oconee Parkway, Suite 108. Anyone considering surgery, pre-or post-op is welcome. Contact Stacy Paine, RD, LD at 706-473-5801.
Lake Country Twirlers square dance 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Harmony Association Bldg, 1801 Hwy 44, Eatonton. Visitors are welcome. FREE classes for young, old, couples or singles will start Sept 25 at 6:30 pm. Call 706-484-1920 for info.
Lake Oconee Landscape Association has formed to promote professionalism in the green industry. All members of LOLA are required to be licensed, insured and reputable. LOLA members provide services such as: landscape installation, maintenance, lawn and shrub fertilization, weed control, garden centers and all outdoor needs. LOLA is a nonprofit organization to assist consumers in Greene, Putnam, Morgan and Baldwin counties to select quality landscape professionals. LOLA meets at noon on second Thursdays at Chez Michelle, 106 Harmony Crossing, Lake Oconee. There will be no meetings in July or August; meetings resume in September. Everyone is welcome and there is a guest speaker at each meeting. For more information contact President Shannon Johnson at 706-473-1845. To find out about the speaker of the month or to see a list of members visit their website at
The Lake Oconee Promisekeepers meet each Wednesday from 7:30-8:30 a.m. for light breakfast and coffee. All men are welcome. 706-473-0431.
The Lake Oconee Quilt Guild meets at 9:30 a.m. the first Tuesday of each month except July and August at Lake Oconee Lutheran Church. Guest fee is $3.
Living Beyond The Label Parent support group for children and adults with disabilities is now meeting monthly. For info: 478-456-2592 or 706-342-0568. E-mail:
Madison Artists Guild, made up of artists, writers and musicians, meets the first Thursday of each month. 706-752-0047. Katie Wibell,
Mothers Against Crime meets at 7 p.m. the first Monday of each month at 403 Willie Bailey St. Georgia Smith, 706-485-5332.
The National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) meets at 11:30 a.m. every third Monday in the dining hall at Rock Eagle 4H Club Center. For further information call 706-485-7606 or 706-485-0276.
The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition-Georgia Chapter will host “Hearts of Teal” the last Tuesday of each month. Survivors of all gynecologic cancers are warmly invited to attend. Survivors, both new and long-term, will find understanding, care and even laughter to enrich their journey. Family and friends are welcome to attend with survivors. For more information call Beverly Bentley, Georgia Chapter president, at 706-342-2039.
The Phoenix Homemakers Club meets the third Tuesday of every month at Philadelphia United Methodist Church on New Phoenix Road in Putnam County.