GDOL to co-sponsor career expo in Greensboro Aug. 27

Published 8:00 am Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) and several local organizations will co-sponsor a career expo Wednesday, Aug. 27, in Greene County. The expo will be held from 1-4 p.m. in the Family Life Center at Greensboro’s First United Methodist Church, 202 West Broad St. Other sponsors include the Greene County Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Department of Corrections, Jimmy Britt Chevrolet, and Athens Technical College.

Among the employers expected to participate are Allied Barton, C&L Janitorial Services, Greensboro Housing Authority, GVRA, Horizon Growth, Nibco, Quail International, Reynolds Plantation, Ritz Carlton, SGD-Saint Gobain, and St. Mary’s Good Samaritan Hospital.

Employers who may want to participate, or get additional information about the expo, should contact Simisola Johnson at (706) 369-6177, or email

Applicants should bring plenty of resumes, be prepared to fill out company applications, and interview on-site for available job openings. Attendees are encouraged to dress business casual to improve their opportunities for employment.

One week prior to the expo, the GDOL will provide group and individual assistance to job seekers to help them be successful in their search for employment. A Job Readiness Event has been set for Wednesday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Athens Technical College’s Greene County Campus, 1051 Athens Tech Drive in Greensboro.

The department’s Special Workforce Assistance Team (SWAT) will conduct a number of workshops, including “Dressing for Success,” Interviewing Skills,” “Creating a Value-based Resume,” and “Effective Employment Applications.”

Attendees will also receive hands-on assistance in developing their own social media pages, creating personal business cards for their job search, and developing their own 30-second “commercial” to market themselves for new career opportunities.

Those attending the Job Readiness Event will receive a ticket for early admission to the Aug. 27 career expo and the first chance to meet with potential employers before the doors open to the general public. Participants should wear casual attire and bring a copy of their resume, paper and pen or pencil.

To learn more about career opportunities, connect with us on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, which can be conveniently accessed at