Lake Oconee Builders Association holds blood drive
Published 8:00 am Thursday, August 21, 2014
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The Lake Oconee Area Builders Association (LOABA) held its first Lake Oconee Community Blood Drive July 17.
Partnering with the Lake Country Board of Realtors (LCBR) and Lakeside Church, LOABA collected a total of 72 pints of blood, which was 120 percent of its set goal as first time American Red Cross Blood Drive sponsors.
Initial Drives usually start with a projected goal of 20 to 25 pints to be collected. However, the members of LOABA, LCBR and Lakeside Church showed true commitment and dedication to this event and giving back to the community as well as surrounding areas.
The amount of blood donated was enough to save 216 lives.
Every two seconds someone in the United States needs a pint of blood, which means in a lifetime someone you know will be affected by blood donation. This blood drive was a perfect demonstration that together the community can make a difference and touch many lives and sometimes a small thing can mean everything in another person’s life.