Greensboro First United Methodist to celebrate restoration and revival

Published 8:00 am Thursday, August 28, 2014

On Sunday, Aug. 31 at 10:30 a.m. First United Methodist Church of Greensboro will celebrate the Restoration and Revival of its historic sanctuary and the adjacent Evans House, where church offices are located.

The community is invited to participate in the special Sunday morning service, which will feature performances by popular vocalists. The sanctuary will ring with the voices of The Sounds of Grace — Kathy Cawthon, Jana Flemming Ratliff and Jana Roper, and soloist Angela Walker Deering. In addition to special music, church members and guests will join the choirs in singing favorite hymns, selected by votes of the congregation over the past ten weeks.

Flanking the Sunday worship service on three sides will be the church’s magnificent stained glass windows, recently restored to their 1912 glory by Studio Glass Company of Buford, Georgia. The light that filters through these colorful, sacred designs will illuminate the sanctuary’s historic interior, refurbished by Greene County’s own Liberty Builders, Scott and Angela Deering. In addition to the restoration project of the sanctuary building of First United Methodist Church, the offices and meeting rooms of the Evans House have also been painted and refurbished by Liberty Builders.

The congregation and pastoral staff invite the community to join church members in this celebration of Restoration and Revival–as the words and melodies of familiar hymns fill the historic sanctuary. Be sure to arrive early at 10:00 AM at the church’s North Campus on Broad Street in downtown Greensboro to enjoy coffee, conversation and the special treat of homemade goodies. Parking is available on the street and in the large parking lot behind the church. For more information, contact the church office at 706-45307064, or visit the web site at