Greensboro Writer’s Guild reads at Reynolds Landing

Published 8:00 am Thursday, December 11, 2014


A sunny autumn day welcomed members and guests of the Greensboro Writer’s Guild as they met for their annual November Readings, this year in The Lake Room at Reynolds Landing. Refreshments were served prior to the program entitled, “From the Inkwell”.

Bill Boughner welcomed the audience and gave a brief overview of the GWG and its members, with special mention and recognition to founding member, Jane Hoover, now living in North Carolina.

Boots Coffed began the afternoon with her, “Words of Wisdom”, which cautioned to “neither a borrower nor lender be” as unpleasant consequences usually ensue. Helen von Richthofen’s “Dog Games”, explored days on the farm with her Great Pyrenees sheepdog, Sasha. Kathy Wright had a toddler slipping into her mother’s high heels and outlining her tiny mouth with lipstick in, “Imagination”. Barb Griffiths pondered the likelihood of water perhaps being crucial to a more youthful and healthier self in, “Fountain of Youth”.

Don Adams rendered his takeoff on morose poet, Edgar Allen Poe, in “A Poor Pitiful Parody of Poe”. “Going Places” had George Heiring telling of travels to far away, exotic and off the beaten path locales around the world. Elizabeth Howe compared the first Thanksgiving four centuries ago, to one shared by strangers (either by choice or design) as they celebrate, “Thanksgiving at McDonald’s.”

Bill Boughner went back in time as he, “Dressed and Groomed for the 1950’s”, as did Linda Wagner when she recalled her mother’s home baked birthday cakes in, “Sweet Memories”. A strange Christmas gift had Jenny Bates telling the delightful story of, “The Year of the Little Sherman Tank”

“Tangerine Moon” had Jeanne Herrero dreaming of sandy shores and moonlit beaches. Judy Stultz’s, “An Irish Treasure Found”, turned out to be a book of traditional Irish recipes. Barry Drugar’s, “Back in Tehran”, told a poignant tale of homecoming and memories of his mother and of his homeland as a youth.

GWG co-leaders, Bill Boughner, Barb Griffiths and Kathy Wright gave closing remarks and thanked those in attendance for sharing the afternoon with them.