Ohio man’s ‘Interview’ scalping scheme backfires

Published 3:15 pm Monday, December 29, 2014

An Ohio man’s plan to make big money re-selling tickets to a limited screening of the controversial movie “The Interview” fell apart after the film’s release was reinstated last week.

WCPO-TV reports Jason Best bought 50 tickets — at $13 apiece plus service fees — when the Esquire Theater in Cincinnati agreed to take the movie on short notice after its initial cancellation.

Best, however, didn’t anticipate that the film would subsequently be offered through several online outlets. Rentals on many of those sites cost less than half the price of a theater ticket, which lowered the demand for Best’s offering.

Best thought he could return the tickets for a refund, but the Esquire disagreed. Theater President Gary Goldman told WCPO that the Esquire’s return policy is for customers only, and that he didn’t consider Best a customer, but rather a businessman trying to recoup a loss at the theater’s expense.

The theater offered to donate Best’s investment — $650 — to charity, but Best told WCPO that he can’t afford that and will dispute the charge on his credit card.