Lake Oconee Fishing Forecast, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015
Published 8:00 am Thursday, September 24, 2015
Lake Conditions – The lake is clear to lightly stained.
Lake Water Temperature – 82-84 degrees
Largemouth Bass – FAIR/GOOD – The cooler weather pattern should begin to get the fish moving to shallow water locations as they stage for the fall season. The fish are moving to the mouths of the larger creeks and coves and onto main lake points. The deep docks or shoreline structure near those locations will produce fish on topwater plugs early in the day or cast a small crankbait around those docks and any nearby woody structure. A shakey head worm will also entice some strikes in those locations.
Crappie – GOOD –The crappie are in the brushpiles and underwater timber in deeper water. Fishing jigs/ minnows over and in the timber and brushpiles will catch fish now.
Striped Bass/White Bass/Hybrid Bass – FAIR –The topwater bite from schooling fish is fair during the late afternoon using a popping cork rig, a spoon or a white Rooster Tail when the fish surface feed.
Catfish – GOOD – The catfish are in the main lake/creek ledges and channels and those will be good locations until much cooler weather arrives. Live bait (shad/bream) and cut bait (shad/bream) will catch larger fish. The fish will also move to shallower water at night to feed and with cooler temperatures the catfish will begin to move shallower.