Funeral home director charged with fraud after claiming eight living customers were dead

Published 2:27 pm Wednesday, July 19, 2017

UNION, W.Va. –– A funeral director and life insurance agent who reported eight of his living customers as dead in order to collect money intended for their funerals has been indicted by a federal grand jury.

Joel L. McGuire, director and co-owner of Broyles-McGuire Funeral Home LLC in southern West Virginia, was charged with two counts of fraud against Homesteaders Life Co. for more than $75,000 in falsified claims between April 2010 to August 2012.

Over the course of two years, McGuire told Homesteaders Life eight of his clients had died, when in fact they were still living, according to the indictment.

He reported to the insurance company that Broyles-McGuire had performed funeral services for these clients and needed to be reimbursed for the costs. After the insurance company sent him the money, McGuire put the checks into the funeral home’s business account.

According to the indictment, McGuire was the only person who issued, endorsed and deposited checks into the account.

McGuires fraudulent claims were exposed in March 2013 during a state audit, and in May 2014 a civil complaint was filed against the funeral home by West Virginia Attorney General, Patrick Morrisey.

“We are pleased by news of this month’s indictment and hope any criminal case was strengthened by evidence gathered during our civil investigation,” Morrisey said.

Holden writes for the Bluefield, West Virginia Daily Telegraph.