OUTDOORS: Trophy Fish Program announced by GWRD
Published 11:53 am Tuesday, October 1, 2019
The Georgia Wildlife Resources Division (GWRD) has been awarding angler’s outstanding catches through two programs and now an additional program has been initiated. The GWRD’s other two programs, which have been in place for several years, are the Angler Award Program and the Freshwater State Record Program and those will continue.
The new additional program is called the Trophy Bass Program and it will run Jan. 1-Dec. 31 each year.
There are two categories for the program and all properly licensed anglers, resident and non-resident, are eligible. The first category is for largemouth bass weighing between 10 and 12.99 pounds and the second category is for largemouth bass weighing over 13 pounds.
Anglers submitting largemouth bass qualifying entries in the 10-12.99 pound category will receive a certificate stating their catch, a t-shirt, entry into to a drawing for an end of year reward package, photo will be published on GWRD social media (Twitter, Instagram or Facebook) and the angler will receive two passes to the Go Fish Georgia Education Center. For an angler submitting a largemouth bass entry in the 13-pound plus category, they will receive all prizes from the first category and in addition, they will receive a replica of their trophy bass.
The Trophy Bass Program will provide data on the heaviest largemouth bass caught in Georgia each year.
Those largemouth bass are rare and genetics and growth information from them is valuable to GWRD fisheries managers. Procedures for certifying trophy bass is the same for entering a state record fish, except that fish from waters where adult bass are stocked will be recognized. Applications for the Trophy Bass Program must also be submitted within 90 days of the catch.
All largemouth bass entered into this program must be caught using sporting tackle and must be hooked by and landed by the entrant. Fish caught on bush hooks, trotlines, baskets, jugs, nets, etc. will not be considered since those methods are not considered sporting tackle. Frozen fish will not be accepted. Fish caught from hatcheries or intensive fish culture facilities are not eligible.
A GWRD Fisheries Biologist or technician must identify the fish and sign the application. To qualify for the replica mount, the fish must be brought to a GWRD office or examined in person by GWRD personnel. Information about the catch, a DNA sample (from the fish and not from the angler), measurements, and aging structures must be provided to GWRD. After business hours and on weekends, anglers can reach GWRD personnel through the DNR Ranger Hotline at 1-800-241-4113.
Largemouth bass entries must be weighed on certified scales. The fish must be weighed in the presence of two witnesses, both of who must be 18 years old and not a member of the entrant’s immediate family. Both witnesses must provide an address and telephone number on the application.
Fish must be weighed on a scale that has been certified accurate to the nearest ounce by the Georgia Department of Agriculture within the last year. Witnesses are not necessary if the fish is weighed on a certified scale at a GWRD Fisheries office.
GWRD Fisheries Office locations near Lake Sinclair/Lake Oconee include Fort Valley (478-825-6354) and Social Circle (706-557-3035). A WRD, Fisheries Biologist or Technician must identify the fish and sign the application.
Applications for the Trophy Bass Program other than the replica mount applications must have a clear, side view photo of the fish and a photo of the angler holding the fish. Applications for both categories can be submitted in one of three ways. Mail the application to; GA WRD Angler Award Program, 2067 US Highway 278 SE, Social Circle, GA 30025 or Email: Melissa.Cummings@dnr.ga.gov or deliver to a local Fisheries Management Office.
Lakes in this area have turned up many bass weighing over 10 pounds and several over 13 pounds. Oconee’s largemouth bass record stands at 12 pounds and 14 ounces while Lake Sinclair’s record largemouth record stands at 13 pounds and 2 ounces. Other lakes and rivers in the area including Lake Jackson and Lake Juliette have largemouth records exceeding 13 pounds so there are largemouth bass all around the area that are eligible for the program.
Anglers just have to go out and catch one. Additional information regarding the Trophy Bass Program, the Angler Awards Program and Freshwater State Record Program can be found on the GWRD website at www.gofishgeorgia.com. Good Fishing and see you next week.
— Outdoors columnist Bobby Peoples can be reached at brpeoples995@gmail.com.