Lake Oconee Cub Scout Pack 30 visits Desoto Caverns
Published 11:26 am Friday, June 18, 2021
- Lake Oconee Cub Scout Pack 30 visits Desoto Cavern
Did you say we are sleeping in caves, mining for gemstones, digging for crystals, rock climbing, shooting bows and arrows, etc.?
Sign Lake Oconee Cub Scout Pack 30 up!
The pack had a blast visiting Desoto Caverns in Alabama recently and camping in the Cave. They were able to exercise some of the skills learned this year and visit a new, exciting place. The activities, trips, and training for elementary aged boys and girls are made possible with the wonderful parent volunteers. On this trip five of the eight cub scouts, committee chair, cubmaster, two den leaders and other parents attended. They have had two camping experiences and plan to have one more before the scouting year comes to an end.
These activities are made possible with the fund raisers and donations held each year with the Popcorn Sales (fall fundraiser) and the $10 Lake Oconee Discount Cards. The pack is currently selling $10 discount cards, which provides discounts all over the Lake Oconee, Eatonton, Greensboro and Madison area until February 2022.
Call 706-473-0420 to purchase a discount card and to support a great youth program.
If you are looking for a great program for your youth to be a part of to learn teamwork, leadership, life skills, etc. please call Kim Scott at 706-473-0420 to learn more about Cub Scouts and registering for the next scouting year. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves prepared to make ethical and moral choices by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Law.