OUTDOORS: A new discovery
Published 11:59 am Friday, July 22, 2022
- Annie Nikki and Darcy with a BIG fish.
Every once in a while you find something you just need to share. Back in the winter, my son, Beau, and I went to a fishing show hosted by Jimbo on Lanier in Cumming. Truly an awesome event that we really enjoyed. Of course, any day spent with friends is just great. Being able to see people like Capt. Mack, Ryan Hanks, Danny Pruitt, and the rest that we talk to and share ideas with all the time on social media is awesome when it’s in-person.
Beau and I made two new friends that day: Scott Thomas and Nikki Delio. Both work for KastKing, a relatively new company in the fishing world. I had seen their ads on social media and seen their stuff on Amazon and in Academy Sports. However, I had never touched and played with any of it. Well, I scheduled an interview with both. Some of you may have read the column I wrote on Nikki and how fishing saved a life.
In today’s world, we hear a lot about company culture, employee care, and we see a lot of bashing when it comes to Chinese products. Personally, I have found most company’s spouting the company culture line don’t practice what they preach, and employee care is next to zero. Then, we have politicians on both sides bashing products and people who import from China. Well, I have come to this conclusion: I buy good products, as good as I can afford, at least. I want my money to go a long way. It’s tough to come by, and I work hard for what I have. Believe it or not, writing is not the main thing for me (I know it is a shocker I am not on the NY Times best seller list by now). If those products are from China, Alabama, or south Georgia, it doesn’t matter. I just want the best I can afford.
Fast forward a few months and Nikki comes to speak to the Lake Oconee Striper Club (read that twice before sending me emails). Arrangements were made for her to fish with two great friends of mine, Kevin Underwood and Kevin Harris. Regular readers know both. Underwood took her to throw a frog all day, which she caught onto well even though she popped me in the head once. Later that day, Harris put her on her first stripers while trolling umbrella rigs along the river channel. Then on Saturday, Nikki fished the monthly striper tournament with our tournament director, Chris Aufleger, and me on Chris’ boat along with my daughter, Annie, and our friend from the club, Darcy.
This brings me back to company culture. KastKing truly cares for its employees. Due to a few health issues Nikki has, her colleague, Scott, kept up with her the entire time she was with us, texting me multiple times a day and showing a level of concern that I rarely show with my own family. Not only that, but people in their main facility in China keep up with her health. I was impressed.
I’m grateful Nikki and Scott were able to set up for me the ability to test a few of their rods and reels. I’ve been throwing them for over a week now and let me say — their products are as good as the stuff you pay twice the price for. Now, I am not on staff with them, nor am I paid to say anything. I just get to try their stuff. However, if you want to try their reels book a trip with Kevin Harris at GoFishLakeOconee.
Now here’s my point. Y’all, I have found a company that means it when it says they care for their employees. They mean it when they say you matter to them, and they make quality, affordable products, leaving fisherman with gas money for their boats! That’s a win-win in my book.