OUTDOORS: Seasons of life
Published 2:55 pm Wednesday, September 20, 2023
- My groom’s cake made of chocolate and featuring bass on it.
More than 25 years ago I got married to a cute little brunette from south Alabama. I’m not sure to this day why she said yes, but it’s definitely the best sales job I’ve ever done. In any case, weddings were a lot different back then, in the days before social media and digital photography. Seems almost like I’m talking about horse and buggy stuff right now.
When the women started planning the wedding (because let’s face it, the only decisions I was going to make were when and to whom) I only asked for two things. It couldn’t be in the spring because of turkey season and it couldn’t be past July Fourth because of tarpon fishing and later deer season. I didn’t want an anniversary to be in the middle of any of those important times. Seriously! This is 100% gospel! If you don’t believe me, ask my ever-patient wife. Our wedding was held on June 6, 1998, in a small Baptist church in Ozark, Alabama. It only lasted 11 mins, and my Granny even missed it.
Weddings today sure are different than they were 25 years ago. I got to thinking about this while listening to my wife and daughter talk about the Wedding Expo that Lake Oconee Life is co-hosting Oct. 14at Oconee Springs Park. If you’re as lost as me you should go and get ideas. (Check out their social media and website for more details.) Needless to say, all this wedding talk got me thinking about some pointers I could share with you.
As many of you know, one of my family’s favorite movies is “Steel Magnolias.” Yes, this is even one of my favorites. I’ve written about it before. Well, in Shelby’s wedding, the groom’s cake is of all things an armadillo cake with gray icing and a red velvet cake inside! I thought back then that was just cool! This was discussed for our wedding and a compromise was proposed by my wife’s Aunt Brenda, who made our main wedding cake and the groom’s cake. My cake was chocolate with bass on it! See, even 25 years ago I was hopelessly addicted to fishing.
Also, in “Steel Magnolias,” Shelby comes close to turning herself into bridezilla. Close. Now what I would suggest is this. First, to the men. If your girlfriend has bridezilla tendencies, don’t marry her. Run!Run far away. Run and hide! She may track you down but trust me, I’m going to save you half of everything you own. Next, remember this. The wedding is about BOTH of you and your families, not just you as a couple. I was recently at one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever attended. My good friend, Nick, got married to a wonderful young lady at Christ our King Cathedral in Atlanta. It was a two-day affair for my son and me to go and be part of it, but it was truly remarkable and enjoyable for everyone. It was a celebration in the truest sense of the word. We partied the night before and went to a beautiful mass on the wedding day. It left me feeling blessed to have been a part if only just for reading a prayer.
Finally, here’s a piece of experienced advice and one I wish someone had given me and my wife. Get a local hotel room for the night of the wedding. Don’t rush off. Stay and enjoy your guests and the food. Drink, have fun, party with your family and friends. Everyone loves a good time! We had what I have always referred to as a wedding nazi for a wedding planner. I made the mistake of asking her to help us leave our reception by a specific time to drive almost eight hours to our honeymoon destination in Sea Island. That woman rushed us through everything with efficiency of the likes of a German panzer battalion. If we had it to do over again, we would have stayed and enjoyed the food, the friends, and the family.
Bet you didn’t expect to read about weddings in my column, did ya? Tight lines and following seas y’all!
Outdoors columnist James Pressley can be reached at jameskpressley@gmail.com .