OUTDOORS: Topwater is life
Published 2:28 pm Wednesday, May 15, 2024
- Me with a nice Lanier Spot caught on the OG.
People might want to argue this, but let’s be honest. Topwater is life. Man, I don’t know one single angler who doesn’t LOVE a topwater bite. Not one. I mean really what isn’t to love about watching a fish, any fish, crash a bait on top? My fingers tingled, my face went flush, my lips broke into a grin, and my heart rate went ballistic just writing that line. I love it. My topwater boxes are only rivaled by my collection of soft plastics.
Over the last few years a new bait has hit the market that many may have seen and might have slipped by those who are not active on the bass fishing side of social media. Cast Fishing released the hottest thing ever with the OG. Now I know Ryan Hanks over at Cast, and we have fished together several times.Ryan might be the hardest working individual I know in the fishing industry. I mean as another friend, and I said recently Ryan is burning the candle at both ends and figured out a way to burn two more from the middle and end also! He’s always grinding. But it all started with his release of the OG on Lanier.
Tax Day my good friend Jeff Nail invited me up to Lanier to toss the OG and catch some spots that were chasing the herring spawn. Now, as you know I am the self-proclaimed apostle of the Gospel of the Spot. I love that lake and those fish! So without any hesitation I said yes. The night before ol’ Jeff texts me and asks do I want a biscuit for breakfast in the morning? Now, what kind of question is that? Do I look like a guy who doesn’t want a biscuit? I mean I’ve never NOT wanted a biscuit. It’s like asking if I want sweet tea. Well Jeff is about a foot taller than me and a Ranger, so I politely responded “Of course I want a biscuit.” And I knew right then that I was going to have a good day. Didn’t matter how many fish were caught — we were having biscuits for breakfast.
All kidding aside, Jeff and I met up early in the morning and the lake was slick calm. I mean not a ripple. No wind, nothing. To me this is awesome but apparently not to the herring. They were slow to cooperate, but the great thing about spots is that they are so mean they will chase a Cast OG like it robbed their granny. So within the first 30 minutes we had a couple in the boat and the morning was off to a good start! Let me explain the specialness of the OG. It’s magic lies in the fact that every time you move it the lure does something different. This particular morning it seemed to work best to hold the rod still, crank the handle three times fast and pause. This would cause the lure to duck, dart, and dash under the water and glide back to the surface. They hit it on the pause.
Tackle for this technique is simple: 7’-7’4 topwater-style rods (we were using the new St. Croix Physyx rods with Seviin reels on them) and a solid baitcaster will work fine. Like me, Jeff loves to use a braid to flouro leader system and we were throwing Cast X12 braid. Now if you haven’t used this braid get ready. I’m a die hard PowerPro guy and have been for years but I’ll be honest. This braid casts like magic. I’ve never experienced anything like it and the feel is amazing. Casting the OG I was really and truly able to just about spool the reel. Which meant that I could reach those spots even if they were way out there.
Now if you want to get in on this type of action call Jeff Nail at 770-715-9933.
You’ll have a blast — and he know a good biscuit place, too.
Tight lines and following seas y’all.
—Outdoors columnist James Pressley can be reached at jameskpressley@gmail.com .