Knights of Columbus Council 13808 and St. Vincent DePaul food drive Nov. 15

Published 3:58 pm Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Knights of Columbus Council 13808 and the St. Vincent de Paul Society from Christ Our King and Savior Church are sponsoring a Food Drive on Friday, Nov. 15from 9 a.m. to noon. The drive will support Helping Hands Food Pantry and Martha’s Closet in Hancock County, where many residents have been affected by the recent hurricanes.Donations can be dropped off at the Pavilion on the church grounds located at 6341 Lake Oconee Parkway in Greensboro. Needed items include diapers for children and adults; food items: peanut butter, cereal, grits, spaghetti sauce; canned goods (pull top preferred) i.e., soups, vegetables, fruits, meats, tuna; pasta, rice, mac and cheese, protein bars and any other non-perishable food items. No glass please.