ON THE MARKET: The Good Ol’ Days
Published 8:58 am Friday, December 6, 2024
- shirley smith
I’m sure we all remember our parents talking about hte good ol days. Yes, things were less stressful and yet in the same breath, my mom would say those were not such good ol’ days. Using a wringer washer and no electric dryer, those were not all such good times. People did not have all the conveniences.
I guess all generations will go through changes and look at the inventions that have been brought about int he past years. Life has definitely gotten easier for us. But with the Christmas season upon us, lets take a little walk down memory lane
Do you remember when houses were affordable? I’m sure many of us look at our children and grandchildren and wish they could afford to rent or buy a home and put up a Christmas tree. Having a home of their own and starting their own traditions.Today interest rates and downpayments are out of reach for many.
2)Do you remember when people picked up a phone and wished someone a Merry Christmas, not texting.It was so personal to hear someone’s voice.
3)Do you remember when we sent Christmas cards to loved ones and could afford to do so because the stamps were affordable.
4)Do you remember when we used to come out of our homes to go Christmas shopping and the stores would gift wrap for free? We could charge at our local stores and they would not charge us interest.
5)Do you remember when people would come to our homes and sing Christmas Carols? Does the younger generation know and sing the traditional Christmas songs that we all knew from the past?
6)Do you remember when Santa would come to our homes, and we would ask him for all kinds of presents?
7) Do you remember when we would have all our loved ones for Christmas dinner, and no one talked about politics or refused to join because they did not agree with you on who you voted for?
8)Do you remember when our innocent young children would ask for a doll or a truck? Now they do not know what gender they are.
9)Do you remember Christmas caroling at nursing homes to bring a little cheer?
10)Do you remember when we took the time to bake Christmas cookies and candy?
11)Do you remember when the true meaning of Christmas was celebrating the birthday of Jesus?
12) Do you remember when our families all went to church together to give praise to our newborn king?
Let us thank God every day for giving man the intelligence to bring technology into our world and giving our children an easier life. Someday the younger generations world will become archaic, and they too will take a walk down memory lane.
Readers, these are only a few changes that have taken place over the past years and there will be many more changes to come.But I’m sure many of us, during the Christmas season, will be reminiscing about the fun and good times we had in the past. Always accept the present and the changes.Stay young at heart.
Always remember that HOME is where all our memories are made and will stay in our minds for a lifetime. Do we ever think when purchasing a home of its true importance?
Let us remember the old and welcome the new. Make it a Christmas to remember and live in the moment. Spread Love and be forgiving.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:When you put faith, hope and love together you can raise positive kids in a negative world. (Zig Ziglar)