ON THE MARKET: Complacency

Published 9:06 pm Thursday, February 6, 2025

Readers, I have been writing columns in The Breeze for the past five years. My articles have always pertained to real estate as I am a Realtor. I enjoy my profession and like sharing information with others. I will continue Sharing information about the real estate industry, but I would like to correlate real estate with life.

The title of my article this week is complacency. The word complacency is described in the dictionary as: a feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better. A complacent feeling or condition.

I think that in today’s fast paced world the meaning of this word can apply to many people. We have become complacent with everything throughout our  lives.

Starting from childhood. We never really appreciate what our parents and mentors do for us every day.

As young adults are we aware of what is about to happen. A mate for life may suddenly enter your world or the job that will mold your future is about to take place. Sometimes we are living in our world of complacency and not accepting the finer things that are being presented to us.

Many of us can relate to going to work every day. It becomes boring. Isn’t that another word or analogy for complacent. We do the job but never think about how fortunate we are to have the job and what we are doing to make something better for someone else?

How often do we come home and really take a good look at what this home means to you. The love and hard work you may have put into years ago and you become complacent? Not appreciative of what you have. Do we always want more?

Friends. Do we take them for granted and recognize how gifted we are to have them. Many will never experience a good friend. Have we become complacent?

Appreciating family and never becoming complacent in their time with us. How fortunate we are if we still can laugh and enjoy our family. Do we take this all for granted. Complacency?

Our mate. If you are fortunate to still have your mate or loved one, take a good look at them today. We never know when this could be the last day you will have to hold them. I am sure we all become complacent when being with someone for some time.

“The psychological impact of becoming complacent can be subtle yet powerful. It can lead to feelings of loneliness, a lack of fulfillment and purpose, resentment toward your partner, and even depression. A complacent relationship can also affect self-esteem and overall well-being” (Betterhelp)

We can all experience complacency in our lives.   Become aware of it and try to keep life exciting.  Recognize your loved ones. Shower them with your love. Never become complacent.

Thought for the day: Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles not tears. (John Lennon)

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