KofC new Sir Knights of Assemble 3799 Christ Our King and Savior Church

Published 8:50 pm Friday, February 28, 2025

The Knights of Columbus celebrated the 125th anniversary of the 4th Degree of the Order with an Exemplification of the Patriotic Degree on Saturday, Feb. 8, at St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church in Grovetown, Georgia. Sixty-four men were elevated to the 4th degree and earned the honorific “Sir Knight.” The ceremony honoring the Rev. Father Mike Ingram was lead by Georgia District Master Arnie Terrell. The Fr. Vincent Capodanno Assembly in Greensboro, Georgia is proud to announce that six men became 4th Degree Knights at this ceremony. They are: Christopher McKnight, Phillip Ethridge, Andrew Krzemien, Tim Young, John Sapio and Sean Tintle. Color Corps Commander Bill Dublinski, SK Rick Clayton, SK Michael Archuleta, and SK John Kelly served in the honor guard at the ceremony. Faithful Navigator Mark Holihan, SK Ken Weber and SK Art Bourgeois attended as observers. Also in attendance were District Friar Rev. Father Chris Hassel, State Deputy T.J. McCaustland, other state officers and dignitaries.