Blood donors give 125 pints of blood at Knights of Columbus blood drive

Published 2:45 pm Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Knights of Columbus Pope John Paul II Council 13808 hosted a Red Cross blood drive on Oct. 10at the Christ Our King and Savior Church Social Hall in Greensboro.

A total of 125 pints of blood were donated, one of its more successful drives at a time of great need with the recent hurricanes. Donors encountered minimal wait times despite the higher donor level.The Knights thank all the volunteers,Red Cross personnel and especially the community response.

Since 1938, Knights of Columbus have mobilized donation campaigns on a local, state, and national levels, supporting and saving countless lives.The Council’s relationship with the Red Cross began in 2006.Since then, the blood drives sponsored by the Knights of Columbus each May and October have resulted in over 4,000 units of blood being collected.Since every unit will save up to three lives, over 12,000 lives have been changed and impacted as a result of donors at the drives.The Red Cross is thankful for the impact the Greensboro community is making in the lives of the patients they serve.

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization with more than 2.0 million members.

Locally, Pope John Paul II Council 13808 located at Christ Our King and Savior Church, has over 180 members. During 2023, Council 13808 donated over $85,000 to various charitable organizations in Greene, Putnam and Hancock counties with over 22,000 service hours from their volunteers.

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