ON THE MARKET: Remembering

Published 1:11 pm Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Lake Oconee,was created in 1979 when Georgia Power damned the Oconee River.

This created a 19,000-acre reservoir now the second largest lake in the state of Georgia. Lake Oconee is separated by Wallace Dam, which separated Lake Oconee and Lake Sinclair.

I am sure that many readers may recollect some of the memories I will recall in this article.

Living in the Lake Country community for the past 28 years I think back of how this beautiful area has seen changes.

I remember when we used to not only purchase gas at Jerry’s Bait & Tackle filling station, but Jan would cut the finest steaks for us. Now Jerry’s is a beautiful marina. We would have breakfast at the breakfast house which now has become the Marathon filling station, Subway and Fishtails Marina. Only a few years ago the sites where Publix, CVS, post office, liquor store, churches, St. Mary’s Good Samaritan Hospital, retail stores, beauticians, Home Depotand restaurants were forests. We are so fortunate to have the finest of doctors, chiropractors, dentists, eye doctors, veterinariansand therapists who are here to accommodate this community.

Not long ago, I remember clients would have a difficult time deciding if this was the place to move to. Inevitably the woman would say “Where am I going to shop, and the man would say he loved it here. NO traffic and very peaceful.

Today, this diamond in the rough is being discovered. People from all walks of life and all over the world are seeking out this paradise. Lake Country offers a quaint atmosphere with family- oriented resort style amenities. The area boasts world class golf courses designed by the legends.

Yes, the Lake Country is seeing changes. This is all positive and exciting. We all enjoy having more choices to satisfy our needs.

Growth is inevitable and we are so fortunate to be living in God’s little part of the world.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you. (Beyonce)