Lake Oconee Elks Lodge grills for the 4-H Club
Published 2:08 pm Wednesday, October 9, 2024
- 4-H event Water fun for the 4-Hers.jpg
On Saturday, Aug. 31, Lake Oconee Elks Lodge grilled hotdogs for the 4-H Back to School event. Hotdogs were grilled up for the 96 folks (kids and their family) that came out to enjoy the day. This is a yearly event where 4-H’ers and potential 4-H’ers are asked to sign up for the fall season of after school activities (many which are being funded by the Elks Gratitude Grant). Rebecca ‘Becca’ Velasquez is the Georgia Extension Service Agent leading the Greene County 4-H program. Under her leadership, the 4-H program has expanded exponentially and has made a huge positive impact on the community. It was a HOT day, but there was a water slide and a slip & slide to keep the kids cool. Thank you to Becca Velasques for putting this event together and to Jon Dill, Elks Lodge 4-H Chairman for organizing the Elks. Thanks also go to lodge members Wendy Dill, Jodie Haynes, Bill Lewis and Pete Demkow (Pete braved the heat to grill all those hotdogs) for coming out to volunteer for this event. The Lake Oconee Elks Lodge, also on the same day and at the same time, sent Elk members to the First Methodist Church in Greensboro to help the church with their program of feeding those in need. Elks were in charge of grilling 120 hamburgers for the program. Thanks to members Ed and Kat Whitcomb, Steve Petrie, James Lakeman and Mandy Phillips for their help with this program.