Calendar of Events, Sept. 16, 2021
Monday, Sept. 27
Greensboro Garden Club will hold its monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m., in basement of the First United Methodist Church, 4741 Cary Station Road. Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Store will present “Fall Into Bird Feeding,” at 10 a.m., a discussion on how to attract and feed birds during the fall and winter. For information, contact Cheryl at 706-453-1906.
Thursday, Aug. 19-Monday, Oct. 25
Adopt a Reader by making a $36 tax deductible donation to Ferst Readers of Greene or Putnam County. Your donation will provide a year of free books, delivered to a young child (age birth to 5), once a month. Any community action team member will gratefully accept your gift of literacy. Checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 111 in Greensboro or to P.O. Box 4283 in Eatonton between now and Oct. 25. Online donations can be made through the following link: https://bit.lyAdoptaReaderGreenePutnam and are accepted through Dec. 31. For more information contact Cathy Mize at 478-454-7150, Diana O’Keefe at 706-467-3765, or Carol Kuhn at 443-867-2012.