Greensboro begins holiday season preparations

There are only seven weeks until Christmas, and Downtown Greensboro is already working to help you and your family enjoy the holidays in your hometown!  

The Downtown Tree Lighting celebration will take place on the evening of Friday, December 3.  Mark your calendars!  Santa will be available for children to visit, there will be an old fashioned hay ride through town, and your favorite holiday tunes sung ‘round the tree!  

Local organizations and non-profits can participate in the event by offering winter goodies such as hot chocolate, baked goods, or other holiday favorites.  Choirs and choral groups are invited to carol the historic downtown throughout the evening.  To register your organization, please contact the Better Hometown office at (706) 453-7592.

The search is on for the perfect tree to help Downtown Greensboro celebrate the holidays.  City leaders and downtown business owners are looking for a tree that will serve as the town Christmas Tree this holiday season.

“In the past, Greensboro has been fortunate to have a tree donated from someone in the community,” explains Better Hometown Manager, Cail Hammons.  “The tree serves as the centerpiece for all of our holiday activities in downtown and helps to create a festive mood during the holiday shopping season.”  

Greensboro’s Christmas tree is typically a fresh cut evergreen.  Past trees have ranged from 20 to 30 feet in height.  The selected tree will stand on the Court House Lawn in historic Greensboro throughout the holiday season.  Organizers hope to have the tree in place by early December.  To suggest or offer a tree, please contact the Greensboro Better Hometown Office at (706) 453-7592.

A new addition to the holiday plans for this year is a driving tour of local residences that are decorated for the season.  Greensboro residents are encouraged to have their homes decorated in time for the December 4th tree lighting celebration.   Homeowners are invited to call the Better Hometown Office to let us know that your house is ready, and the Holiday Hay Ride will do its best to drive by so that everyone can see.

Keep an eye on your local news for additional details as Greensboro’s Holiday Plans progress and don’t forget to Shop Greensboro First this holiday season.