Victory Train® children enjoying the ball pit castle at the Carnival

On June 18, ATLAS held a Carnival for its Victory Train® families as a reward for their hard work in preparing their children for kindergarten-readiness. The carnival was a big hit with over 220 Victory Train® tots, families and volunteers in attendance. A fun time was had by all with cotton candy, snow cones, and a live train entertaining the children, and lots of games and prizes for the entire family to enjoy.  

The community came out in full support, with the local Lake Oconee Elks Lodge No. 2849, recruited by member Bob Pluta, leading the charge and providing a full “canteen” service, donating all of the hot dogs and fixin’s, and serving them up to the families. Thank you to the many volunteers who assisted in working the event, as well as donating foods and supplies.

The Victory Train® is an early childhood education program, serving children in Greene County ages pre-natal to five years, and is designed to ensure all children are kindergarten-ready. There are currently 143 children “riding” on the Victory Train® and each receives a weekly educational packet delivered to their home by a trained parent educator. These packets follow educational themes such as Colors, Shapes, Numbers and Letters, and include books, puzzles, handmade games and crafts, providing fun ways for children to learn.  

The purpose of the Victory Train® is to provide parents with the tools and skills needed to ensure both parent and child are ready on the first day of school.  Kindergarten-readiness is a key predictor to a child’s future academic and economic success.  By participating on the Victory Train®, parents are realizing they are their child’s first teacher, and are helping to guide their children onto a pathway to a happy, health and successful life. 

The Victory Train® is a measure-based program and we are happy to announce that 92% of Victory Train® children who have been tested are on track for school-readiness.  This is great news for our families and our community as a whole!  

The Victory Train® is part of ATLAS, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  ATLAS provides the funding for the Victory Train®.  If you would like to participate in this initiative, as a volunteer helping to prepare and assemble weekly educational packets, or would like to make a tax deductible donation to this amazing program, contact Theresa Kemp at 706/453-0581 or at  Join the Victory Train® movement today and help ensure all Greene County children are ready for school on Day One!

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