ON THE MARKET: Stairs or no stairs in your home

Remember the days when many of us walked the stairs to go to bed? Many of our grandparents and parents climbed the stairs at the end of the day. Things have changed. But is it for the better? Today when we show property, it appears that when the client knows the home has all the bedrooms on the second level it is a no-no.

But why, and what has changed over the years? My Mom and Dad (Shirley) lived till they were in their 90s and walked the stairs many times throughout the day and going to bed at night. Maybe that is why they lived so long? 

We agree that stair climbing is not good for everyone. It can be dangerous or bad for their health. 

But, for the people who are still able to climb the steps, you might be eliminating beautiful homes that would fit your criteria.  

Here are some of the reasons stair climbing is the best exercise:

  • It is a relatively intense exercise that quickly increases our heart rate and in doing so, can greatly improve our cardiovascular fitness.
  • It helps strengthen and shape our most common problem areas like calves, thighs, buttocks and tummy.
  • It is a very efficient way of burning maximum calories and is great for those of us with limited time to exercise.
  • It can easily be mixed with other exercises like walking, skipping and weight training to maximize results. 
  • It can be done by almost everyone, regardless of fitness level.
  • Because it is weight bearing, it helps build bone strength.
  • It is low impact and safe for the knees, provided the correct technique is used and a pre-existing condition doesn’t exist.
  • There is a strong association between stair climbing and bone density in menopausal women.
  • Climbing stairs can improve the amount of “good cholesterol” in the blood. (Mayo Clinic & Luke Coutinho, head nutritionist and master coach, collaborator with Yale University)

You can burn more calories walking/running up steps in 30 minutes than a one-hour run or walk, plus it challenges your body. You can burn off 65 calories in 15 minutes.  

Walking the stairs for your health will not only make you lose weight, but strengthen every part of your body, including your lungs and cardiovascular. 

Back to real estate. We feel that many of our clients are missing out looking at homes with the bedrooms upstairs, especially if children still live at home. Having the family all on one level is advantageous, especially if the children are sick. Having the bedrooms on the upper level also gives you separation of private, personal space from public, gathering space. The living area, and back yard space is enlarged. Leaving the day behind and going to another level can be a peaceful experience. 

Our home should bring us comfort and relaxation. Like we always tell our clients, buying a home is one of the biggest investments you will make in your lifetime, but you will probably buy another home or several. Depending on your age the amount of times you will move and buy another home will differ. As of 2018 the median duration of ownership in the U.S. Is 13.3 years.  

So, let us reiterate that stairs on the upper level is not for everyone, but a home with the bedrooms upstairs could be a diamond in the rough for some. 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: No one is guaranteed happiness. Life just gives each person time and space.  It’s up to us to fill it with joy.


—Don and Shirley Smith have more than 24 years experience as realtors in the Lake Oconee area. They sell and list in all golf, Del Web and out-side-the-gate communities.     


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