ON THE MARKET: Some interesting facts

When we find interesting articles, we always like to share them with our readers. We hope you enjoy the information as much as we did.  


  • McDonald’s is not just a burger flipping restaurant, it is one of the world’s best real estate portfolios. Franchisees do the burger flipping and McDonald’s gets paid handsomely for owning the best commercial real estate all over the world. 
  • The White House is valued at approximately $110 million. 
  • On Sept. 11, 2001,  the owners of the World Trade Center scheduled a meeting on floor 88 of tower one to discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. They rescheduled their meeting the night before because someone could not attend. 
  • Most people don’t realize it, but the Egyptian pyramids are situated very close to the city of Cairo. 
  • In 2007, hotelier and real estate magnate Leona Hemsley left $12 million in her will to her dog, Trouble.
  • Alaska is simultaneously the northernmost, westernmost and easternmost state in the United States.
  • To preserve its natural beauty, Vermont, Hawaii, Alaska and Maine have banned all billboards. 
  • Using prefabricated modules, some builders in China are able to build 30-story skyscrapers in as little as 15 days.
  • Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world and he still lives in the same house he bought in 1958. He paid $31,500 for it.
  • In 2009 there were more foreclosures in the United States than there were marriages.
  • Think your home is too small? The typical home size in many developing countries is 75 square feet.
  • If Lake Superior ever floods, you’re going to want flood insurance. There is enough water in Lake Superior to flood all of North and South America to a depth of one foot. 
  • In Scotland, homeowners paint their doors red when they pay off their mortgage.
  • Brass doorknobs disinfect themselves. Several metals, including brass, copper, aluminum, iron and silver are antimicrobial-they kill bacteria. Brass is the most antimicrobial of them all. (Maybe that’s why we see most doorknobs in brass.)
  • In Japan, most homes depreciate in value.  One half of all houses are demolished within 38 years and there is virtually no market for preowned homes. Per capita, there are really four times as many architects and more than twice as many construction workers in Japan as the United States.

Hope you found this interesting. Good Trivia. 

*SOURCE: Seth Williams/RE land investor & income property owner/ REtipster

Thought for the Day: Middle age is when your narrow waist and your broad mind change places.


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