ON THE MARKET: Facing it head-on

Dear Readers: The topic we are writing about in our article this week is not as informative on real estate issues, but we feel it does pertain to real estate in general.

We came across an editorial in the paper about a woman seeking help on moving. She and her husband were going to be making a big change in their lives. They were moving to a new area. She hated leaving their friends and the relationships they had formed. She had never been especially outgoing or good at making small talk, but she knew that she had to fit in. She was distraught over this new challenge.  

After reading this article we thought about what we have encountered with so many of our clients.    

Somehow, it has always been very easy to have empathy for the person having to move or the person who is moving here.   

We remember when we had made the big move to Lake Oconee from out of state. It was a very big change for us. But here we are after 25 years; we know even though it was tough, it was only another new chapter in our lives.   

So, if you are a newcomer here, or having to leave the area, maybe you will find these words of wisdom will bring comfort to you.      

Managing it successfully will entirely depend on your attitude, so think positively. We all have the same insecurities, some more than others. But, please remember that the majority of people have the same insecurities you do. We are not all born socially adept. A skill that can be learned and polished with practice.

Everyone wants to be the kind of person others find interesting, attractive and worth knowing. The key to being well-liked by both sexes is:

Be kind. Be honest. Be tactful. Don’t be afraid to offer someone a compliment. Be well-groomed, tastefully dressed and conscious of your posture.  Ask others what they think. Be a good listener. (God gave us two ears and one mouth). Everyone wants you to be interested in them. Good conversationalists are interested in what others have to say rather than filling the air with the sound of their own voice. It isn’t necessary to be an authority on every subject. You do not have to be the smartest person in the room. Try to forget about yourself and your own insecurities and concentrate on the other person.

Going back to when we came to Lake Oconee, we remember finding a Realtor that took us by the hand and made us feel so welcomed. Your Realtor may be the first one you will encounter to help you through this hard time. They will know the ins and outs of where to shop, who to call when you need a plumber or electrician. A good Realtor will be there to assist you and make it easier for you to adjust.

We always believed that it is very important our client relationship does not end at closing. (Some of the Information from DEAR ABBY.)  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Those who are on their knees are in good standing with GOD.





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