COTS bids farewell to longtime employee
The Greensboro Christian Outreach Thrift Store (COTS) threw a Surprise/ Retirement/Good-bye party for Barbara Stewart to celebrate her 10 years of service and dedication as manager of the store. Board members, Judy Bock and Barbara McClure secretly planned the Open House event to coordinate with Barbara’s last day “on the job.” She will be leaving Greensboro to reside with her new husband, I.G. Christmas, in Atlanta.
Crowds of friends and volunteers gathered to wish her well in her retirement and to offer congratulations on her recent marriage.
McClure read a poem, “Good Things Come in Small Packages,” she composed as an ode to Stewart. She also recalled the time when she and the dimunitive Stewart were working together and one of the “shoppers” left without paying for her merchandise. Stewart went out to the parking lot, brought her back into the store and told her to, “Either return the merchandise and never come back again — or I will call the police!” The merchandise was returned — the woman never did.
This spunky lady will be sorely missed not only by her co-workers, but also by those volunteers and customers associated with her throughout the years. We wish her all the best as she begins her new life in Atlanta.
For more information about COTS or to volunteer your time, call the new store manager, Kay Lord, at (706) 454-0250.