Five families graduate from ATLAS program
It was an emotional celebration for five families who were graduated from ATLAS Ministry, Inc. after completing a two year commitment to reach vital life goals. ATLAS’ first graduation class was on Friday, Oct. 8 at Grace Fellowship in Greensboro.
ATLAS, through its Family Services Division, works with local families who are deeply committed to change. Through working with Christian friends who serve as mentors and financial coaches, these families reach new goals which they have set for themselves.
The five families completed the program and were graduated in an inspirational and emotional ceremony. During the ceremony, each of the graduates thanked God for ATLAS and thanked ATLAS for the love and direction given to them and their families.
One of the young women remarked that she had graduated twice in the past year. She said the first graduation was from a “school of academics” (nursing school) and the second was from the “school of character” (ATLAS). “Character is important in life,” she said. “Make up can’t hide what you truly feel inside.”
Another ATLAS graduate gave special thanks to her financial coach who she said had taught her the difference between “wants, needs and desires.” But she praised the entire staff and volunteers as well.
An appreciative young woman commented that “God sends people to aid you….and they are vessels filled with His love. That’s what all of you are,” nodding to the ATLAS employees and volunteers. Then she added, “The God that shines through me is because of the way God has shown through you.”
The final graduate thanked ATLAS volunteers for all the support, encouragement, and love given to her. “I had faith that God would lead me to the right place and the right people. That’s exactly what He did.”
Each of these young families are to be commended for their persistence, hard-work, and dedication to improving the lives of their families and themselves.
ATLAS Ministry, Inc. works with local families who are deeply committed to change, helping them to reach vital life values. Additionally, the organization teaches values and principles for success to students within the local school systems through its HOPE Division (Healthy Options for Personal Empowerment). Lear more about ATLAS by checking out their website, www.ATLASMINISTRY, inc. org.