Lake Oconee Elks host turkey shoot with kids
The Lake Oconee Elks held their first turkey shoot of the fall season Nov. 10, at the old shooting club on Highway 16 at the top of Pea Ridge Road.
The Elks Canteen was there grilling hot dogs and the ladies auxiliary was there selling drinks to raise money for Elks Aidmore, a girls home in Conyers.
Kids 7 to 17 were able to shoot for free, get a gun safety lesson, and have a free lunch. Some of those turkeys the youngsters won were bigger than them. The adults got in on the action as well and lined up to try and be the best shot in their group. A lot of happy folks took home turkeys and hams for the holidays.
Lake Oconee Elks have two turkey shoots each fall to raise money for several of their charities to include veterans, scholarships and a dictionary program to name a few.