State Sen. Johnny Grant updates Rotary Club

Senator Johnny Grant was the guest speaker at a recent Rotary Club of Greene and Putnam Counties meeting.  Grant has served District 25 for seven years in the state senate. He updated the Club on the results of the last session of the general assembly.  

Much work of the session was spent on preparing the current FY 2012 budget which began on July 1st.  The budget is built on 100% state dollars as there are no federal stimulus dollars available.  According to Senator Grant, “It appears that we have hit rock bottom. We are seeing upticks in the revenue stream.  We have cut expenses and the number of state employees.  It has not been easy and we have had a lot of tough decisions to make.”

The last session also focused on education, which is the largest single expenditure for the state.  Grant explained that some necessary changes were made to the HOPE Scholarship program.  

House Bill 87 (Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011) was introduced.  The existing law was upheld.

Another bill that got much publicity was the Sunday sale of alcohol.  This bill would allow each local community to have a referendum to make the decision of approval.

Grant stated that redistricting would be coming up this year.  This would affect Greene and Putnam Counties.  All 180 house and 50 senate seats will be redrawn.  One additional congressional seat will be added in Georgia due to the population increase so the state will now have 14 congressmen.  

Senator Grant concluded by stating that it is a privilege to serve our communities.

Rotary is an exemplary community organization of businessmen, women and professionals who seek to serve the communities in which they work and live.  The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary clubs, is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.  For more information on Rotary of Greene and Putnam counties please visit

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