MIND YOUR HEALTH: 40 years together — ‘I’ve Got You Babe’

Sept. 30 marks our 40th anniversary of marriage!  

There we were at an open air chapel overlooking Lake Lanier. Our simple wedding included our guitarist who played our chosen songs (“Time in a bottle,” “Wedding Song,” and “Follow Me”). Our rent-a-preacher did his job witnessing Sherry and me sharing our creative vows of love and commitment with each other. 

Over our 40 years together we have been incredibly fortunate to maintain our deep love for each other. Our two wonderful children, Kris and Brittany, have been a source of great joy and pride. And, we certainly are enjoying our four grand girls! 

“Babe” is a familiar term of endearment shared between us. Not sure where that came from. Perhaps Sonny and Cher had something to do with it emanating from their hit song, “I’ve got you Babe.” 

“Let them say we are wrong. I don’t care, with you I can’t go wrong. But with our love like yours and mine, there ain’t no hill or mountain we can’t climb. … I got you to kiss goodnight, I got you to hold me tight. I got you, I won’t let go. I got you to love me so. Oh, Babe, I got you Babe, I got you Babe.”

Sherry, “I’ve got you, Babe”! You are an incredible woman — excelling as a wife, mother, “Nana”, daughter, sister, registered nurse, realtor. You have helped me to become a better man. I am grateful beyond words to have you as a loving partner as we have faced the various opportunities and challenges of life. We are a helluva team!

I share this happy occasion with you, Respected Reader, for a few reasons. One, I would like to share our marital happiness with you. Two, I invite you to appreciate and celebrate your good marriage. Three, I invite you to see your marriage as your highest priority and to do whatever it takes to make it special. It is worth it!

Dr. Stathas can be reached at 706-473-1780. Email: jstathas13@gmail.com. Website: drstathas.googlepages.com. Blog: drstathas.com

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