Pink abounds on the links at Harbor Club

Eighty-eight pink clad ladies from our Lake Country golf clubs and beyond descended on the course at Harbor Club last week for the Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Tournament and luncheon held annually by the Harbor Club Ladies Golf Association. This year’s winning team — Patricia Balduff, Gail Peacock, Diane Roberts and Beth Turner.

Over $14,000 was raised to benefit The Lydia Project; a faith based independent charity located in Augusta where they provide free services to women anywhere currently in treatment for all types of cancer. They also offer lodging services for women and teen-age girls receiving treatment in the Augusta area. Locally they offer aid to women unable to afford basic expenses while undergoing treatment.

Dale Fahey and committee, Penny Davis, Mary Beth Schmidt and Linda VanDuzer, had the clubhouse decked out in pink, highlighted by a room brimming with raffle prizes donated by over 50 local merchants and businesses along with ladies of the LGA. Title Sponsors were: Jimmy Britt Chevrolet, Atlanta Oncology at Cowles Clinic, presenting sponsors: Georgia Skin Care & Aesthetic Dermatology,  Promotion Therapy and Wells Fargo Advisors, and many Hole sponsors. The committee thanks all involved in making this year’s Pink Ribbon Tournament such a resounding success.  We are indeed fortunate to live in such a caring and generous community.

The afternoon came to a close as the ladies released dozens of pink balloons, soaring to the sky in remembrance of those who have been affected by cancer.