Lake Country Chorus presents: ‘The Spirit of Christmas Thru A Child’s Eyes’
Tis the season to be jolly!! The Lake Country Chorus invites you to attend “The Spirit of Christmas Thru A Child’s Eyes” on Thursday, Dec. 15th (7 p.m.) at the First United Methodist Church on Carey Station Road. The evening will feature some of your favorite Christmas hymns and secular tunes along with dancing by the chorus members and students from The Arts Barn. The Christmas concert is directed by Donna Valvo and accompanied by Amy Reber along with a community orchestra. We promise you will be singing along as over 50 Lake Country chorus members sing your Christmas favorites.
The annual Lake Country Chorus Christmas Concert is a tradition that has been rousing the Lake Country Community for 21 years. Their delightful concerts are held in the Spring and at Christmas each year. This year’s Christmas concert will channel the Christmas spirit through a child’s eyes. The chorus will travel in one short, song-filled evening from Bethlehem to Whoville to the North Pole via the Polar Express … even making a brief stop in Italy to visit Dominick the Donkey!
Tickets are $25 ($15 for children under 12) and may be purchased from any chorus member or at Bank South, Lake Oconee branch. For any additional information, please contact Executive Director, Melanie Schultz, at