Greene Co. Chamber announces April Business, Employee of the Month
GREENSBORO, Ga. — The Greene County Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the following April 2020 Greene County Chamber of Commerce Business and Employee of the Month. The following recipients have been selected based on their exemplary contributions of service and community involvement in Greene County and the surrounding area.
Business of the Month
Lake Country Pharmacy
Founded by brothers, and pharmacists, Carey and Chris Vaughan, Lake Country Pharmacy & Compounding Center has been
providing compounding services since 2008 and operating their full-service pharmacy since 2013 for customers from Milledgeville, to Greensboro, to Eatonton, to Madison and all points in between.
During the COVID-19 pandemic there have been multiple stories of goodwill and outstanding customer service throughout the area. “Being on the front line to protect the public, Lake Country Pharmacy & Compounding Center decided to address the shortage of hand sanitizer in our community by making their own FDA approved hand sanitizer for anyone in the community,” said Chamber President Terry Lawler. “Their constant concern for their customers’ health is what makes Lake Country Pharmacy & Compounding Center a model business in our community.”
Lake Country Pharmacy & Compounding Center is a perfect example of how locally owned businesses give so much back to the community. It is an honor to award the staff and owners of Lake Country Pharmacy & Compounding Center the April 2020 Greene County Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month.
Employee of the Month
Kevin Hubbard American Pest Control
Kevin Hubbard has been with American Pest Control for over 7 years. During that time, Kevin’s training, hard work, and attention to detail has provided professional and excellent customer service for all of his customers. Kevin takes great pride in his problem solving skills and being prompt with any issues that he may encounter while servicing his customers’ pest control needs whether in a home or business.
“It is an honor each month to recognize those Lake Country employees who exemplify the best in customer service and professionalism,” said Chamber President Terry Lawler. “Kevin is an excellent example of an outstanding employee and the Chamber is honored to recognize him.”
To nominate an outstanding employee, business or non-profit kindly email Terry Lawler, Chamber President, at Please include the name, place of work, and why you feel they should be recognized as the Chamber Employee, Business or Nonprofit of the Month award.